
Stephen Mann Osteopath, with patient working on wrists

What should I expect at my first visit?

At your first visit (and any subsquent visits) my aim is to put you at ease and make you feel comfortable that you’re in good hands.

I will take a full past and present history of your problem and conduct a thorough examination and any further tests that might be required.

Please feel welcome to contact me prior to booking an appointment if you have any questions regarding how I might be able to help you. I’m always happy to talk through any questions you may have.

What is Osteopathy?

Osteopathy is an established system of diagnosis and ‘hands on’ treatment in which a caring approach to a patient and their individual needs is of primary importance. It is concerned with the relationship between the structure of the body – it’s muscles, ligaments and joints – and how the body functions.

Osteopathy is a means of detecting and treating these sometimes damaged or dysfunctional structures and aims to restore you back to optimal health.

Osteopathy – Safe, gentle and effective treatment for all the family from adulthood to old age.

Stephen Mann Osteopath, with patient

What They Said

I was in the army and then served as a police officer before I retired and have had my fair share of injuries over the years. Sometimes my back will ‘go’ without much warning.

Steve will always ensure he sees me very promptly whenever this happens as it seems to shorten my recovery time.
Many thanks for all your help and support – my back says thank you!

J.M - Newport

I developed a very painful shoulder with restricted movement for no apparent reason which over time made everyday activities such as getting dressed really difficult. I was worried that it might never get any better. However with Stephen’s help and support and a tailored treatment and exercise programme, my pain went and my range of movement is now much improved. Thank you so much!’

J.E - Niton